Ho Chi Minh City- Day 1 : Vietnamese Coffee
Assalamualaikum. Baru hari ni reti nak bagi salam? ish.. ish.. teruknya nina..dah balik dari Korea baru nak update.. ahahha.. so aku macam clueless.. tak tahu mana nak start.. so aku decide.. yosh! aku harus update, sebab ada kawan aku nak pergi Vietnam this year.. jangan hampakan orang lain...huhuhu
Setelah mengukur jalan a.k.a round-round satu bandar Ho Chi Minh City (refer to this "post") . Kaki kami dah penat untuk bergerak dan memerlukan rehat, jadi kami decide untuk singgah Highlands Coffee.. Seperti yang diketahui ramai, Vietnam merupakan pegeluar ke-2 terbaik di dunia selepas Brazil. Jadi rugilah kalau dah sampai kat sini tak try segala jenis kopi.
Highlands Cofee Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam 2013 |
Highlands Coffee ni macam Starbuck Coffee le, jenis mahal..Tu sebab aku dengan along sangat kemut ,kami beli segelas je haha. .Tapi bila convert price, masih lagi murah berbanding Starbuck Cofee. Dekat Malaysia tak ada nye aku nak singgah minum kopi mahal-mahal.Actually,lepaspergi ramai kata better cuba Trung Nguyen sebab lagi terasa nikmatinya. Tapi bagi aku yang hanya minum kopi sekali-sekala tak kisah pun janji aku dapat merasa kopi
Vietnam.. hahah
Caramel Jelly Cofee Highlands Cofee Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam 2013 |
Sambil lepak-lepak minum , main lah free Wifi dalam cafe ni. Tapi speed dia tak berapa laju,
setelah beberapa kali aku try untuk connect.. Memang tak berjaya.. Jadi sesi mengambil gambbar dan merehatkan
kaki yang lenguh ni..
Highlands Cofee Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam 2013 |
History of Coffee at Vietnam
Coffee was introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by the French and slowly grew as producer of coffee in Asia. The height of coffee production occurred in the early 20th century as small-scale production shifted towards plantations. The first instant coffee plant, Coronel Coffee Plant, was established in BiĆŖn HĆ²a, Äį»ng Nai Province in 1969, with a production capacity of 80 tons per year.The Vietnam War disrupted production of coffee in the BuĆ“n Ma Thuį»t region, the plateau on which the industry was centered.[2] Although seldom involved in conflict, the area was a crossroads between North and South and was largely depopulated. After the North Vietnamese victory the industry, like most agriculture, was collectivized, limiting private enterprise and resulting in low production.
Following Äį»i mį»i reforms in 1986, privately owned enterprise was once again permitted, resulting in a surge of growth in the industry. Cooperation between growers, producers and government resulted in branding finished coffees and exporting products for retail. It was during this time that many new companies involved in coffee production were established, including ÄįŗÆk LįŗÆk-based Trung NguyĆŖn in 1996 and Highlands Coffee in 1998. Both of these continued on to establish major brands distributed through a widespread network of coffee shops. By the late 1990s, Vietnam had become the world's #2 coffee producer after Brazil, but production was largely focused on poor-quality Robusta beansāconsidered inferior to Arabica due to their bitternessāfor export as a commodity. Recent government initiatives have sought to improve the quality of coffee exports, including more widespread planting of Arabica beans, the development of mixed-bean coffees, and specialty coffee such as kopi luwak (Vietnamese: cĆ phĆŖ chį»n, "weasel coffee").Credit Wikipedia. Dasar pemalas!
Famous Gloysan Cofee among Malaysian Gloysan Cofee Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam 2013 |
Gloysan Cofee Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam 2013 |
Aku ni pelik sikit, kalau minum kopi bukan bertambah segar mata. Tapi bertambah lena mata.. tu waktu study aku tak suka minum kopi. hahaha.
p.s:Hari ke dua kami ke mana? Tunggu..
Assalamualaikum awak. wahh bestnya. saya memang jenis tak reti minum kopi. kalau terminum gak, walau seteguk sikit boleh tak tidur semalaman tau. pastu tensi sesorang. kahkahakaahhh >___________<
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumussalam... ok la tu tak tidor, ni terus ngantuk hahahah :P
ReplyDelete..seronok baca entry ni...tq.
Tp ttg kopi golysan tu..mmg kawwww...sy dh tnya hjh.bashiroh...katanya BUKAN org islam yg jual & buat kopi tu wp d cop halal.Dia dg report tp x de tindakan.
Skdr ingatan bersama...sbb sy pn dh trkena.
Sy pn dh trkena
Wsalam, terima kasih untuk keperihatinan anda.
DeleteTapi bagi saya bahan-bahan yang digunakan halal. dan saya lihat sendiri cara pembuatan .
InsyaAllah halal minuman tersebut :)
i need ediya coffee ...jom baoik south korea
ReplyDeletei love angle coffee at south korea! missed it.
DeleteHa kannn masa kat Malaysia banyak lah lorat alasan itu ini xnak lepak coffee shop...yang cokia je jadi pilihan hati. Sampai tempat orang, terkinja lak nak masuk.
ReplyDeletehahaha.. biasalah kan kat tempat orang tergedik-gedik nak cuba :P
DeleteSuka minum kopi di Vietnam...hari tu pegi hari2 minum...siap tapau masuk bilik lagi..hehehe
ReplyDeleteI know coffee lovers will love Ho Chi Minh City :)
Deletememang terangkat kopi vietnam
ReplyDeleteoh tengah demam.. tak larat nak baca.. tapi gagah nak komen.. nanti dah sihat akan datang balik baca dan komen dgn baik.. hahahaa.. boleh tak :P