Don't Want SKMM Block File Sharing Website
Recently, SKMM Block File sharing websites like megaupload, filestube, rapidshare. Untuk downloader tegar mesti geram giler, macam mana nak download movie and those thing. Aku pun pelik , apsal la nak block website macam nie. Lebih baik dia orang pergi block website pornography daripada block file sharing website. Untuk pengguna celcom broadband dan maxis broadband setakat ini dia orang dah block :-

Celcom Broadband = Megaupload,Megavideo,Fileserve
Maxis Broadband = Megaupload,Megavideo,Fileserve
Semakin dekat nak pilihan raya, semakin pelik-pelik je tindakan mereka nie. Makin membangkitkan kemarahan orang-orang muda yang nak mengundi nie. Pelik! Tapi aku rasa orang-orang atasan nie mula-mula suruh tutup file sharing coz nak cover perbuatan mereka dengan menutup website WikiLeaks. Mereka ada authority tinggi nak hide perbuatan terkutuk. Tapi anda silap! Internet nie luas world wide. Sekejap je news boleh spread like bacteria!
Group Anonymous bakal hack website. Mereka gelarkan OPERATION MALAYSIA . Tak tidor siang malam la orang yang kerja dekat IT Department bagi mengelakkan kena hacked. Nak gak tengok apa yang bakal berlaku hari khamis nie. We will see.

"Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor."
16.6.20011- 7.00 am (Malaysia)-
The government shut down their website? Is it anonymous succeeded on their hacking last nite? From the news at Facebook, said that:-
Anonymous UK
Dear Anons: Let's get something clear, #OpMalaysia has not failed, nor has it succeeded. Stand by for further news, but don't make assumptions.
Dear Anons: Let's get something clear, #OpMalaysia has not failed, nor has it succeeded. Stand by for further news, but don't make assumptions.
i know misznina is not happy with this :(
ReplyDeletebut i know ahmad much more not happy with this. ahahhaha
ReplyDeletejust wait and see our government reaction .
dont worry, gov cannot take away misznina17 from me. are u still 17 again? haha
ReplyDeletehahahah.. lawak der. :P
ReplyDeleteyeah. always be 17. think young, feel young.
siyess xpaham sampai skng nape nk block website file sharing? ishishsishh.. baru ler buku bertemu ruas ^____^
ReplyDeletesimple :- kalau orang nak tutup perbuatan jahat, mereka seboleh-boleh nyer nak perbuatan mereka tak diketahui.
ReplyDeleteYang pelik nape file sharing? Then give reason yang agak menjengkelkan.
Generation-x thinks that their decisions are the best without making efforts to understand what the majority wants. They are too bias to make any decision, which they think that there are no other way round. at the end the decisions will only benefits their self interest. if i were SKMM, i would first do campaign to tell the public y pirating is illegal or unethical. secondly, i would take action to fine the one who is responsible. not only it educates the people, but it reduces the crime better then hurting the public hearts. in UK pirating are illegal, the govement can fine the person who use pirate copies. at the end, people are too scared to have posses such copies and everyone there buys originals. not only its easy to get, the price and deals are good also. in my opinions, people will still be the same and will try to find other means to retrieve and distribute Hollywood movies. really hope the goverment uses better tactics to combat piracy it would be a waiste of public funds to travel to developed countries without learning anything.