Information System

Assalamualaikum, first let me explain what is information system :

Information system is a collection of methods, practices, algorithms and methodologies that transforms data into information and knowledge desired by, and useful for, individual and group users in organizations and other entities. This system can involve a combination of work practices, information, people, and technologies organized to accomplish goals in an organization.

In my opinion, information system are important to us because:-

  1. Information system field offers many career opportunities. For example:
  • Information Systems Strategy
  • Information Systems Management
  • Information Systems Development

2. Information systems make life become easier. For example:

Ā· I can view my result at cfs IIUM website at without have to call Admission and Record cfs IIUM.

Ā· I can buy a ticket for family or myself without waste my time at travel agencies and have to queue up for a long time at

Ā· I can pay a bills by online at

3. It can reduce time of work and make the job become more affective and efficient. For example:

Ā· Every data of business information can be keep safely.

Ā· Manager of company can view productivity of workers every month by helps of information system.

I hope all of you had a clear view about information system after read about my view about information system. Besides that, information system will change the point of view people about information technologies and will help world to become more success. Thank you.

Voices of Ict student !!!

ā€œGraduates of the Information Systems program are ideally situated to take a leading role in shaping the information-based future and career placement is outstanding. Graduates of the program are actively recruited by a wide range of world-class employers in global consulting, manufacturing, consumer products, finance, and software systems and services.ā€


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